I know 4th Semester just wrapped up, but the fun never ends here in Omaha NE!! Fifth Semester will be held Oct 3- 5th, 2013 in downtown Omaha once again.
Please visit www.handmadeu.com to Sign up NOW! Limited space is available.
We have two amazing teachers coming!!
Stephanie Ackerman!

Stephanie has a ton of fun in store for us!

So excited to doodle, carve & stamp and stitch!!

Lexi Grenzer!

I am so ready to get over my fear of being a terrible solderer, with Lexi here I am confident that I'll be making pendants like no body's business! This class is for those that have never soldered to those that are pros!

Sign up today! Space is limited. If you see we are sold out please email me to be added to our wait list!!
See you in Omaha this Fall!!